Horror Huggies

Horror Huggies

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Have A Seat

("Have A Seat" 2013, wood and steel)

As I mentioned in my previous posts, tea parties and toys are a common theme for me, and what kind of low rate tea party would I be throwing if I didn't have proper Pee-wee Herman-esk furniture?

The over all theme of this piece isn't exactly original for me, but the work I put into it differs greatly form that of earlier sculptures. This was one of the first things I made using a proper sculpture studio and professional grade tools. For example, those spider legs are made of old windshield wipers. That's not a new idea. I've made at least 3 other sculptures using that same idea before, but the first time I simply stuck the wiper pieces to a metal rod with hot glue (they fell off after a few days) the next few times I tried epoxy glue with similar effects. This was the first time I had the chance to weld the wiper parts to steel rods. There's a lot of welding work on this piece actually, the two metal rods that make up the neck of the chair are welded into the wooden body on the inside, and the other end is welded to the back of the heart on top, which is also made of steel. There are metal hinges attached to the top of the seat cushion so it can be opened and used as a compartment, and the whole thing is welded onto a non-stick pan that I used for the base.

And the whole thing is perfectly scaled to seat a lot of the toys I make, which makes for some interesting photos.

Baby Oiks-a-lot is ready to party.

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