Horror Huggies

Horror Huggies

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Little Mermaid

"I just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad." ~ Ariel

This is rare for me. I don't often make things with a serious message, but  I just couldn't resist this time. 

I was watching The Little Mermaid on TV because I'm a gigantic nerd and Disney movies are always entertaining no matter how old you are. Anyway, right around the part where Ariel and Flounder are in that cave where she keeps all her human junk, she said that line, and of course I immediately thought of all the oil spills, all the plastic bottles and styrofoam, all the garbage bags and the soda can rings and god knows what other hazardous crap we're always dumping here and there, and I wondered what her collection would look like if she collected the kinds of things that people usually dump in the ocean, not sunken treasure or historical artifacts, but just regular common garbage. And of course, what better way to rip at your heart strings than by killing off the lovable sidekick. BAM! Right in the childhood.

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