Horror Huggies

Horror Huggies

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Unicorn Skull

("Unicorn Skull" 2014 plaster & cardboard)
So Ive been working on this process of building plaster replicas of animal skulls. I've done a few so far and Im really starting to get the hang of it. I start by making the skull shape out of cardboard, styrofoam, tape, and wires. Then when I have the basic shape down, I just go over it with plaster gauze. How fucking great is plaster gauze?! Love that stuff.

Anyway, this was the first horse skull I've tried so far. Im pretty exited about it. It's not quite finished yet though, It needs a bit more plaster here and there (notice the bottom teeth aren't finished) and then I'm going to paint it. I usually just go over each skull with a thick layer of off-white paint, it's mostly just to give the surface a smoother texture rather than looking all paper mache. However, since this is a unicorn skull and all, I'm somewhat tempted to go over it in pink or purple and cover it in glitter... hmmmm.

Oh and incase anyone was wondering the horn is actually just a seashell.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Snowman Skeleton!!

So these are just some basic blue prints for a new idea I had the other day. I want to weld together a snowman skeleton. It would be sort of like a metal scarecrow. One end will stick into the ground and I'll pile snow up around the rest of it like a regular snowman complete with metal top hat and arms. BUT as the days go on and the snow begins to thaw, the steel skeletal form beneath (which will be covered in rust at that point so as to look extra creepy) shall be revealed to all! It's guaranteed to slowdown all passers-by and frighten children of all ages! =) I cant wait to get started!