Horror Huggies

Horror Huggies

Monday, April 7, 2014

It's A Napkin Holder

("Napkin Holder", 2013 Steel and copper)

Many people have asked me where I get the ideas for the small furry creatures I make. The truth is I just catch real ones from an enchanted forest and stuff them. This is one of the many humane traps I use.

MOM- "Oh my god. Is that a bear trap?

ME- "It's a napkin holder. I made it for you in sculpture class. Careful it's very sharp."

MOM- "but I.. what.. why do we need a new napkin holder?"

Me- "To protect us from bears."

MOM- "What happened to the old napkin holder?"

ME- "Bears took it."

MOM "There are no bears in Holbrook!"

ME- "Not anymore... you're welcome."

MOM- *frustrated sigh*

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