Horror Huggies

Horror Huggies

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mr. Bunnsy

("Mr. Bunnsy" 2013, felt and cotton fabric)

I dare you to come up with a less creative name than that! Do it. You won't.

As I mentioned before some of my toys are made entirely from scratch. This is one of them. I used to call it an "Octo-bunny" which did sound a little better but then some smart ass had to point out that it only has 6 tentacles and now I just dishonest calling it that...

The idea for bunny-pus came form a trip to the fabric store where i found the black faded fabric i used for 4 of his 6 limbs, the stripped fabric is from a striped tank top someone gave me. I love using black and white striped fabric but it can be tricky to find. This toy has 3 different layers. The top layer obviously is the fabric, but underneath that, each limb is covered in soft mattress foam, and underneath the layer of foam is coper wire which allows the limbs to bend into any position. That means i can have Bunny-pus hang form the ceiling fan, wrap around a lamp post, or just prop him up on a shelf. Right now he's wrapped around a fan in my studio. 

Bunny-pus is definitely one of my favorite toy projects. He has that perfect combination of cuddly yet creepy.

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