Horror Huggies

Horror Huggies

Monday, April 7, 2014


("Bunnysaurus" 2013, plastic)

In my studio, I make a point of keeping boxes and boxes of random toy parts within reach of my work desk. Doll heads, teddy bear bodies, action figure limbs, jars of stuffed animal noses and eyes, etcetera, etcetera. That way, when I'm working on a new project, or if I just feel like making something but don't have any ideas, I can just pick up a couple of body parts and hold them up to one another and see what looks comical or strange enough to work. In this case I held up a bunny head to the body of a dinosaur and thought HELL YES! Then grabbed a length of plastic tubbing from another box I keep full of various hardware parts. I still have the rest of that rabbit and the head of that dinosaur lying around someplace. I suppose the obvious thing would be to attach the dinosaur head to the bunny's body and make them a set... but I'm pretty sure I could find something more ridiculous to put on a bunny's body.

In any case, this amalgamation certainly came out wonderfully.

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