Horror Huggies

Horror Huggies

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Garden Gnomes Are Evil

("Vermin" 2013, Photoshop)

Of all the plastic and ceramic creatures in the world of lawn ornaments, the garden gnome is by far the shiftiest and least trustworthy of them all. With their beady little eyes and their pointy hats, they stare out at you, smiling as if they've just secretly poisoned you. 

I've never trusted lawn gnomes, which is why I have never used Travelocity. Anywhere a gnome wants to send you can't be good.

It is also why I drew this picture. Some may look at it and immediately assume that the zombie rodent is the monster, but the smart ones will know that the real villain is the one carrying the beast, and smiling absently as if nothing is wrong...

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