Horror Huggies

Horror Huggies

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Venom Care Bear

("Venom Bear" 2014, Photoshop)

Are Care Bears still relevant at all, or is this a bit dated? I suppose it doesn't really matter. Even if the young people have never heard of care bears, they'll still get a kick out of seeing a big cuddly Venom.

For those of you who don't know what a care bear is. This is them.

Did you listen to it? Wasn't that just the most sickeningly innocent thing you've ever heard? (shudders) Now you know why I had to draw this. Care Bears have had it too cute for too long.

For those of you who don't know, this is what is known as a "mashup" a combination of different genres, themes, styles, or characters that would not ordinarily be put together. It is impossible to spend much time on the internet without seeing examples of these. Salvador Dali illustrating Alice in Wonderland, Disney characters drawn as Star Wars characters (or visa versa), Hello Kitty as a zombie, Marvel heros battling DC villains, the list goes on and on.

(original sketch)

1 comment:

  1. This is great. Very simple, yet effective mashup. Thanks for explaining what you meant by "mashup". Also what those care bears are. Your version is better. You're definitely multitalented.. It'd be sweet to see a beginners guide to Photoshop in the near future! Keep up the good work
