Horror Huggies

Horror Huggies

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Here Comes Peter Cottontail

("Easter Bunny" 2014, Photoshop)
"Fair well, my children! I must return now to my own dimension, but I shall return next Easter to lay my delicious candy eggs on all of your lawns!"

I apologize for my lack of posts over the last couple of weeks. My laptop was being repaired and I could not access my photos. Nor could I use programs like Photoshop, which means I couldn't make any new illustrations for a while (dependence on technology is the one downside to digital painting) BUT I have returned, and I shall be resuming normal posts from now on. HUZZAH!

I shall start with this new illustration, which I finished just after Easter. This is most likely the most colorful thing I have ever done, and I'm quite pleased with it. I do not actually celebrate Easter, but I do admire a holiday that is so obsessed with bunnies and candy, and there's no better time of year to stock up on stuffed animal parts! Every shelf of every store is over stuffed with fluffy toys, and they're prices go down substantially right after Easter.

In case you couldn't tell, this bunny is actually a copy of the big blue bear from my other illustration "Day At The Circus" BUT before you call me lazy and unoriginal, not that I could really argue against that, take a look HERE and see what other illustrators are known for copying the same characters multiple times.

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