Horror Huggies

Horror Huggies

Friday, November 14, 2014

Crocodactyl or Pterodile

("Crocodactyl or Pterodile" 2014, Digital)
In my library there is a very large book of reptiles I got when I was a kid. Every once in a while I flip through it, as well as a number of other volumes full of pictures and illustrations of animals, to find ideas for interesting things to sketch. One day I decided to take an already deadly and terrifying animal, and add wings to it. I like bat wings, they're fun to draw and they lend a sort of nightmare like quality to anything you draw them on. Thus was born this thing which I have yet to choose a name for. As you've probably figured out, I'm stuck between either Crocodactyl or Pterodile. I kind of like Pterodile best I think

I started with a basic sketch, then once I had a clear idea of what I wanted, I made a larger more detailed drawing, (seen below) then I cut up that drawing into smaller pieces, scanned each piece into my computer, and then put the pieces back together again in photoshop (see below again) then I colored it in. I did a similar project a little before this one with a dragon's head. If I have not posted that already I will most likely do so soon, but for now you'll just have to settle for a big crocodile with bat wings. 

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