Horror Huggies

Horror Huggies

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Zombie T-rex Self Portrait

That's right! I located my lost password for this account and am back online! My apologies for the lack of posts. I will be posting regularly again from this point on into the foreseeable future, I have a lot of projects and photos to share with you all, so buckle up! And what better way to kick off my return than with this epic portrait of yours truly riding an undead T-rex?

("Science Bitches" Digital Piece 2014)

Generally. great art is made to convey powerful emotions and important messages to people. It is a medium through which all artists can communicate with the rest of the world... most of the time. Sometimes, you just get an idea for something awesome that you really want to draw! This was one of those times. Who among us has never wanted to ride a giant zombie dinosaur at some time or another?

This piece was colored in Photoshop but the I worked from an original sketch. Above is the finished outline after the sketch was scanned into my computer and traced over in Illustrator. Below is the original drawing that I scanned to start with. Here we see the transition from rough draft, to finish sketch, to final copy.

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm necro'ing the hell out of this post... but, could you give us your inspiration for this work, please?
